Thursday, October 23, 2014

Clean & Clear Fruit Essentials Facial Cleanser Brightening Lemon Review 2014

Hello wonderful people of the world! Here I am again blogging, and yes the queen is back ;) I've been busy with doing theses, some office works, working out my prima donna skills, and, what else? Being beautiful. LOLS

I've noticed my skin is not that supple since I've been staying up all night and sleeping for only a couple of hours, plus wearing makeup from morning till evening. Uh oh! I know, I know, that's the baddest thing I can do with my skin. But I can't help it, the situation calls for it. :( 

So the search is on for that mild, but heavy duty cleanser that won't clog my pores.

I bought this Clean & Clear Fruit Essentials Facial Cleanser Brightening Lemon at Robinson's Department Store after an intense session at the gym (since the gym is near at Rob's). 

It costs P 136.50  for 100 mL and is available at all leading drugstore and department store. 

"Brighten up your skin with this deliciously scented cleanse with BURSTING BEADS, which burst with energy and vitamin C-rich lemon extract. Thoroughly removes oil and dirt, with antibacterial ingredients to help prevent common skin problem without over drying. Leaves skin feeling clean, clear and radiant."

It looks weird, like a gel with soft bursting beads. The texture is gel-like but lighter. It says that it is deliciously scented but it smells like a lemon dishwashing liquid hahaha. Sometimes I get confuse when I wash my face at the wash basin hahaha I always ask myself :

"Did I use Clean & Clear or JOY?" HAHAHA then I will look at my hands and realize it is Clean & Clear because it has beads. LOL as in.

Anyway, it is mild enough for daily use, but I am not satisfied with its cleansing abilities. I did not feel any sting at all, and that's a good sign because it has brightening agents. It says that it is oil free and non-comedogenic but I had pimples on my cheeks while using it for one week, and blocked up blackheads on my nose and chin.

However, it does whiten my skin. ;)

Olga's Verdict

Effectivity - 6/10: It gently cleanses my skin without overdrying, and without the sting that I hate the most. However, I really don't like the smell and I had pimples and blackheads while using it.

Pocket Friendly - 10/10:  100 mL for only P 136. 50, yes I consider it affordable. I think it will last me more than a month of using it.

Accesibility - 10/10: It is available in all leading drugstore

Would you recommend this to your readers?
So-so. I think this suits teenagers better.

Would you use it again?
I think I will only use it if I want to take a break from harsh cleansers, but I have to follow-up cleanser toner.

What are your recommendations for Clean & Clear Fruit Essentials Facial Cleanser Brightening Lemon?
I recommend to toughen the cleansing ability of the cleanser, and they should also  They should also change the scent into something delicious, not that dishwashing liquid smell lols. 

No candy-coated reviews here. ;)

Olga :*

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bella Box is Coming to the Philippines!

I'm tired of wasting my money on luxurious products that I eventually regret buying.
I think I should quit being beautiful.
I think I need to stop buying the wrong products, but how?

To quit my dilemma, my sister introduced this to me.

 Presenting.. tan tanana!

The Bella Box!



Bella box has become popular around Australia, and now it has come to South East Asia! It consists of 6+ most luxurious beauty products of the month (most are travel size, 
ranging from the newest lip-gloss to high-end shampoos, makeup, new product innovations), enclosed in a super adorable box! Each Beauty Box product is handpicked by the Bella Box team, they make it to the point that it suits your profile, then it will be delivered at your doorsteps every month. It costs P708/month, with free shipping.

They include products from Laura Mercier, BeneFit, Shu Uemura, L'ancome, Liz Arden, and many more! The thrill is, you don't know what products are included every month, so every month is a surprise! For complete list of the brands of product they include in the box, click here.

To my excitement, I gave in. I signed up to their website, but unfortunately, I'll have to wait till October.

I told Emily that I am hoping for a flexible payment process, she asked me in what way I wished to pay, and I told her that I'm hoping for Cash On Delivery. :) She does not leave a reply.

Let's see if they will launch at the end of October, coz If they do, I will be able to review more products! Yay! More products, more fun! LOL ;)

That's it, I will patiently wait for it to happen. I will update you all if it is worth it or not! LOLS. You know how I review products, honey! ;)

No candy-coated reviews here.


Olga :*

Friday, October 03, 2014

Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 and Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 50 Review 2014

Everybody needs sun protection, no matter what age, or what gender you have. I'm in search for that one sunscreen that will NEVER EVER make my face oily, heavy, or itchy; and also a sunscreen that will never ever betray me when I take a selfie with flash on.

I found this sunblock set around a drugstore here in Manila, and I always see it, but I never buy it, till today, the Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 and Transparent Mist SPF 50.

It costs P499, plus it comes with a P100 off for each purchase of Sunnies by Charlie! Can you say jackpot?! No, coz I paid for it. Mehehe..

Unboxing the Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 and Transparent Mist SPF 50 ;)

Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 (50mL):

It has Cell Protect formula that strengthens the skin's defense system while preventing accelerated premature skin aging. It has a slight fragrance, which I liked. I love to apply it over and over again because it feels so good, I feel so pampered ;) It dries quickly too!

 It says, I should apply it liberally so I did, I can even even see Miley Cyrus banging the wall with her wrecking ball LOL. Kidding aside, its non-sticky, non-comedogenic and water resistant! Perfect for my acne-prone, sensitive-combination skin. :* I really love this product! Perfect for the beach and everyday use. What's more to love? Its paraben-free ;) PERFECT!

The only down side of this is its only 50 mL. Hey, with this kind of product, it should be of greater quantity! 

Belo Sun Expert Transparent Mist SPF 50 (100 mL): 
It has also Cell Protect Formula, non-sticky and water resistant. I thought it has the consistency of water, and you're just gonna spray it on your face and you're good to go. It looks like an oil, feels like an oil, and slightly scented (I like the scent tho).

When I applied it, (apply it in your palm first, then use your finger to apply it to your face) I thought I sprayed too much, because my face feels sticky and oily. My face looked dark. I sprayed 3x.  I felt a burning sensation above my lips, plus it says that it is flammable. Uh oh.

The good thing about this is when you apply makeup, you can skip the primer because your makeup will smoothly adheres to it, and you'll fell less likely to do a retouch. Plus, it comes with an atomizer so it will be easier to keep track on how much you apply.

The second time I applied it, it still feels icky. I only sprayed once. I think I should only never use it for my face.

Olga's Verdict

Effectivity:  Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 - 9/10 I love it! I love the smell, the glide on my skin, everything! I should have given a 10, but it is only 50mL.
Transparent Mist SPF 50: 5/10 - It darkens my face, plus it stings, and its oily. I like the scent tho, and it comes with an atomizer. Its 100mL lols

Pocket-friendly: 8/10 - For P499, its fair enough to have a 50 mL+150 mL + P100 off for a purchase of Sunnies by Charlie. The Belo Sun Expert Face Cover will last me for about a month or so, coz I love applying it! I think the Belo Sun Expert Transparent Mist  will last longer, coz I'll never use it again lol

Accesibility: 9/10 - You can buy the Belo Sun Expert Set during the summer only. However, you can buy each product in all leading drugstores nationwide.

Would you recommend this to your readers?
Yes! I would gladly recommend Belo Sun Expert Face Cover SPF 40 to all my readers out there! It is so perfect! So fetch! With the Belo Sun Expert Transparent Mist SPF 50, I think girls who has drier skin (not sensitive) could try it too.

Would you use it again?
Yes! I will definitely use Belo Sun Expert Face Cover for everyday use, not only in the beach! I so love it!
I think I would use Belo Sun Expert Transparent Mist for my body only.

What are your recommendations for Belo Sun Expert?
I highly recommend to upsize the Face Cover and they should add a more luxurious touch to the bottle. ;)

No candy-coated reviews here. ;)

Olga :*

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

GSKin Miracle Starter Kit Review 2014

Since high school, acne has always been my problem. I love wearing makeup, even though I have sensitive, combination skin. I tried products that provided temporary relief, but will not maintain my acne prone skin for the long haul.

When I entered college, I started going to a dermatologist. Yes, my acne was cleared, but maintaining it was too hard for me. I had to visit the derma for at least twice a month, buy their products once a month, be broke and spend thousands of peso for those maintenance once a month. Whenever I noticed my skin 80% clear, I skipped visiting the derma, which eventually lead to not visiting again at all. And after several months, my dilemma starts again.

I tumbled across a blog proclaiming that this product miraculously transformed her skin to flawless and acne free. I’m really desperate, I had my acne surged last month, which left my skin scarred. When I finished the products from my derma, I rushed to buy the product.
GSkin miracle starter kit costs P550, and is available worldwide. I ordered from their new website, and I got my package almost a week after, instead of 1-2 days after ordering. Georgina Sasha herself told me that they are still working on their website.

I was really excited to try it but before anything else, I had to remember these:image
I liked the protective cap of the sunblock gel, night cream and rejuvenating toner.image
1) Kojic Soap: It should be lathered for up to 2-3 minutes. It has a slight citrusy scent and it does not melt too fast. However, make-up,oil, and grimes are not easily removed after one wash.

2)Rejuvenating toner: It should be apply next after the Kojic Soap. It feels a bit sticky than other toner, it has a yellowish tone and it has no scent. Notice the no-spill cap. So cute!image
The sunblock gel: It should be apply prior to going out during the day, and can also be used as soothing gel whenever you feel a sting. I love using this, its lighter than my sunblock lotion, absorbs easily, and it doesn’t clog my pores. (Based on day 1 onward) It has no scent.
The Bleaching 4-in-1 Night Cream: It should be applied thinly every night. I feel a stinging sensation when I used it, and it doesn’t glide smoothly on my face. It has no scent.image
Night 1: Here goes my no-makeup close-up selfie. Hashtag no edit hashtag no filter HAHAHA! Notice the redness on some spots.image
I’m into tanning, so this will not only remove blemishes and acne scars, but it will also remove uneven skin tone, and some of my little freckles, as well. I used L’oreal True Match Tinted Sunscreen, and I set it with 3W Clinic Professional Powder: Crystal Creator Bright; all mild, during the day

Night 3: Notice the peeling around the nose and the lips, and the obvious one, on my chin. I think it peels a lot in that area because that is where I breakout the most, I have PCOS. I also feel super itch below my lips (upper side of chin)image
It gets really painful whenever I do the night ritual (Kojic Soap, Rejuvenating Toner, Bleaching Cream). So what I do is I use the Kojic soap as fast as I can, pat on the rejuvenating toner instead of applying it upward, and I just put bleaching cream where i have acne scars and problem areas.

Day 10: Some of my blackheads are not that visible, my pimples on my chin is still there, but WOW look at the texture of my skin! The pores are smaller, and the skin is now refined. Look at the sheen on my skin, I always wanted this! WOW! I wonder what will happen on day 30! :) *excited*image
Lemme take a selfie! ;) By the way I’m using Etude House Color Pop Lip Stain in Orange :* There is still redness all over my face (compare the skin tone of my neck to my face), and I feel the itch below my lips. No filter lolsimage

Night12: WTH HAPPENED TO MY FACE. New pimples ;(imageimage
Thats my chin :( I continued to use this product, even I had this major breakout. You know the feeling of freshly waxed underarms? I feel it in my face. The sunblock gel have to go, I run out of it already because it is so good to use. Perfect for tropical country like the Philippines.

Night 13: Breakout reached my left cheek :( I stopped using the starter kit because my face feels like a wound with freshly squeezed lemon juice in it. :( :( I have nice texture of skin, but I have breakout!

I applied Sansacne 4 all over my face, more redness. image
Day 15: I am still not using the GSkin Miracle Starter Kit since day 13. I’m using other brands and Sansacne day and night.

Olga’s Verdict

Effectivity: 7/10 - I experienced peeling as early as 3 days, and my skin had great texture. However, it does not have antibacterial property to prevent acne from striking again (or if it does, it is not that effective for me). There are lots of factors why I am breaking out, I have PCOS so it greatly affects the oiliness of my skin. Everything that happened to my face is not solely because of GSkin Miracle Starter kit. Plus, the ingredients are too strong for me that I experienced itch under my lips all day. I have a high pain tolerance, but this is too much tiis ganda.

Pocket-friendly: 7/10 - For P550 per kit, It is quite reasonable.It is cheaper than products people sell in derma clinics, but it is more expensive than drugstore products. However, I’ve seen similar products available online for half the price. I ran out of sunblock gel as early as 2 weeks so I think you have to buy some products again to finish the peeling for 30 days

Accesibility: 5/10 - They do not have a physical store, I ordered it on their website. It is a hassle because you will get lost in their website, plus you won’t be able to track your products via sms, through e-mail only. They have re-sellers on instagram, but I still haven’t tried ordering there.

Would you recommend this to your readers?
I would recommend GSkin Miracle Starter Kit to my readers who has a higher pain tolerance than mine. :( I would recommend it if you don’t spend your day under the sun everyday, and you doesn’t commute (or if you do, vehicles with AC are much preferable). You can buy the starter kit here

Would you use it again?
I will use it again if my acne is really gone, as in not coming back forever! However, I may use this with Sansacne, after I cleared my face up. 

What are your recommendations for GSkin Miracle Starter Kit?
I recommend that GSkin Miracle Starter Kit should have a version for Sensitive Skin. Plus, they should have an antibacterial properties added to the starter kit. We never know when acne will strike again, so it is better to be protected. 

No candy-coated reviews here. ;)
Olga :*